Thursday, 16 February 2012

Yummy treats

The last few days have been pretty un-eventful with Logan eating like a pig (lets hope he puts on some bloody weight) and really getting the hang of finger foods, and he especially likes his special bread.


and he now pretty much drinks his milk on his own, so major improvements there. Apart from having an incessant cough that just won't shift he's been very well and very happy (touch wood) lets hope it stays that way as the appointments begin again next week with pretty much two full weeks, poor little one :(
We got an appointment through today for the genetics expert at guy's and St Thomas' she has seen him 2 times before, once at birth then not long before he was realised from hospital at St Thomas' so i'm sure she will not only be interested to see Logan but pleased with his progress.

Tomorrow we have a day off and me and Logan will be spending some quality mummy and son time together which we are both really looking forward too :)

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